
Welcome and Get Ready to Geek Out!

Class Wiki:
We will use our class wiki to share our learning artifacts, access learning materials, communicate, collaborate, and practice habits of digital citizens.

Course Overview: Technology Syllabus

Technology Curriculum Focus Areas

  • Digital Citizenship: Digital footprint, netiquette, online safety, Tools for Learning: Variety of web-based tools appropriate for the classroom that supports students in learning how to collaborate and communicate, while demonstrating digital citizenship and professionalism; tools that support student learning across core subjects in middle school and beyond
  • Digital Media Literacy: Search for information, evaluate and compare sources, organize information, cite information, interpret media, and recognize bias
  • Digital Storytelling: Multimedia production through the lens of “story” may include podcasting (Garageband); movie Production (iMovie); variety of other applications appropriate for creating multimedia artifacts
  • Coding: Experimenting with a variety of coding applications